Anonymize relational data Sql Scripts

Sometimes we need to anonymize sensitive data that was used as an id of rows - consider the following tables:

create table Person(
social_security_number int,
name varchar(50)

create table transactions(
    person_social_security_number int,
    month int,
    amount decimal

you can find a script to create this test data on [github] (

The social_security_number is sensitive and needs to be anonymized but it's also used in the transactions table, and the relation needs to be maintained.

  1. Create a temp table with the original value, and an anonymized newId
    select social_security_number as old_Id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by name) as new_Id 
    into id_map
    from Person
  2. Update the original table with the generated new_id

    update Person set social_security_number = new_id 
    from id_map where social_security_number = old_id
  3. Update any other table that uses the social_security_number column

    update transactions set person_social_security_number = new_id 
    from id_map where person_social_security_number = old_id

This process will anonymize the social_security_number while still maintaining the cross table relationships

You can find more relevant SQL scripts at